Florida Orders Delayed due to Hurricane Ian

Hurricane Ian is heading toward the gulf coast of Florida this week. Governor Ron DeSantis has declared a state of emergency in 67 counties, including Hendry County (where our farm is located), and Lee County (where our postal hub is located).

While predictions are rapidly evolving and we will not know the extent of the damage until the storm passes through, there is a high risk that orders will be delayed this week. Our postal carrier has just informed us that they will not be running trucks tomorrow (Tuesday, 9/27) from our town to the Fort Myers postal hub. We are unsure which areas of Florida will experience interrupted mail service this week. 

We apologize for the last-minute notice and any inconvenience this may cause. Official predictions about Hurricane Ian and its effects are changing rapidly as the storm approaches our coastline. While we hope that the disruption will be minimal, we should hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

In conclusion, we expect shipping delays this week for orders originating from our Florida farm and we do not know if shipping carriers will be able to complete deliveries in their usual timeframe—particularly in the gulf coast regions.

At this time, we do not expect any delays for orders shipped from our farm in Mississippi that are heading to destinations outside of Florida.

Thank you for your understanding while we do our best to navigate a looming natural disaster. 


1 comment

  • Hope your Florida location survived the hurricanes and nobody got hurt or lost homes (including your insects!) I didn’t see any updates on how you survived the storms so I thought I would write and just ask!

    Karla Thomas

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