Christmas superworm sale is here! Please use code WORMFIESTA30 at check out for 30% off of your superworms. We are not shipping on NYE or New Years Day. USPS will be delayed.


  • Caring For Live Discoid Roaches

    1. WHERE SHOULD I KEEP DISCOIDS?As a non-climbing, non-flying species, discoids are easily stored in any container with smooth walls that are at l...
  • Caring for Live Crickets

    Crickets are among the most nutritious feeder insects, but also difficult to rear. We've written a guide to caring for crickets so you can keep your insects alive and thriving for your reptiles.
  • Caring for Live Superworms

    Confused about how to keep superworms alive? You're not alone. Check out our tips and tricks to keep those worms wriggling.